Hey guys! I hope you like this video tutorial because it’s one of my personal favorite Dollar Tree DIY’s I have done yet! I love these faux agate stones I found at Dollar Tree. I bought 8 of them right away not knowing what I was going to make with them, then it hit me. I made an easy DIY coaster set and I hope this inspires you!
You will need:
8 Agate Lacquered Wall Hooks
11/16 Drill Bit
5/8 Dowel Rod
Felt Pads
Precision Screwdriver
5/8 Drill Bit
Mod Podge
Wood coaster (use a 50% coupon from Joann Fabrics or Michaels!)
Hot glue gun
Black acrylic paint
Remove all your screws from the wall hooks with a precision screwdriver
This is what you’re left with…
Drill a hole in between the two screw holes with your 11/16 drill bit straight down from the top of the coaster
Flip it over and sand the back of your coasters to get rid of the screw hole bumps on the back
Go over the hole you created with some mod podge to seal it
Touch up the back with some black acrylic paint
Apply your felt pads to the bottom of the coaster
Put your agate coaster on top of the wood coaster and mark where you want your hole to go
Take your 5/8 drill bit and drill straight down through the wood coaster 3/4 of the way
Cut your 5/8 dowel rod to 5″ tall
Put your 5/8 dowel rod through the wood coaster hole with some hot glue
Put felt pads on the bottom of your wood coaster
Apply polyurethane to your wood coaster and dowel rod for a protective finish
And you’re done! I had everything on hand except the dowel rod and the coaster so I was able to make this for just a couple dollars. I think these DIY Dollar Tree Agate coasters are GORGEOUS! We have already gotten several compliments on them. They definitely don’t look like they’re from Dollar Tree!
What do you guys think, will you be making this DIY?